
Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Fri Dec 3 18:05:42 EST 1999

Pada Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:22:49 -0500 (EST), Fred L. Drake, Jr. bilang:
| Gerrit Holl writes:
|  > As i said: people who start with Python as a first language like it.
|   There are those of us who started with x86 assembly and BASIC who
| like it too!  (And Pascal, and C, and C++, and... hey, how many places 
| can one person start in, anyway? ;)

Well let's see..I started with Logo actually, when I was six years old.
They taught it in elementary school--in fact, that was the only
programming class I ever got to take, until I went to college.

Then I went on to BASIC when I was eight, and taught myself Forth and C
when I was eleven.  65xx assembler the next year, and 680x0 a couple
years later.  Lisp sometime in high school.  I picked up bits of Pascal,
Modula-2, Smalltalk, and Pop-11 along the way.  Ok, so I was a little
geeky as a kid..;)

cliff crawford
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