[python-ldap] New maintainers

Petr Viktorin encukou at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 07:24:59 EST 2022

I've given repo admin permissions to:

- @mistotebe (Ondřej Kuzník)
- @droideck (Simon Pichugin)

I hope things will be faster with more people on board :)

Thanks for volunteering to carry the torch! The future of python-ldap is 
now in your hands.
But I suggest you go for gentle evolution: if a completely new set of 
APIs is added, it would be better as a separate project, either on top 
of or alongside python-ldap, without unnecessary baggage.

Oh, and please send me your usernames on the other services so I can add 
you there as well:
- pypi.org
- readthedocs.org

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