[python-ldap] ANN: python-ldap 3.0.0b3 (beta release)

Petr Viktorin pviktori at redhat.com
Wed Jan 10 06:46:16 EST 2018

Find a new BETA release of python-ldap:


To install this beta release via pip, you need to supply the `--pre` flag:

     pip install --pre python-ldap

Please test with your code and report any issues, either on this mailing 
list or on the GitHub tracker:


If there are no major issues found with it, this will become 3.0.0 in a 
week or so.

About the project:

     python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
     servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs
     for that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other
     LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAP URLs and LDAPv3

Project's web site:


After years of being hosted by Michael Ströder (thank you!), the 
project's website was merged with the documentation, and is hosted at 
Read the Docs & Cloudflare.

Git commit hash for the release:
     python-ldap-3.0.0b4  ad46c1104ea40117f8fb0fd08653517743f94723

Released 3.0.0b4 2018-01-10

Changes since 3.0.0b3:

Removed support for Python 3.3, which reached its end-of-life 2017-09-29.

* Make default argument values work under bytes_mode
* Update use of map() to use list/set comprehensions instead

* Refactor syncrepl tests to run with bytes_mode

* Document all_records attribute of LDIFRecordList

Petr Viktorin

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