[python-ldap] Version 2.5.2 & code cleanup

Christian Heimes christian at python.org
Wed Nov 22 05:29:45 EST 2017

On 2017-11-22 11:23, Petr Viktorin wrote:
> Hello,
> As part of python-ldap 2.5.2, the codebase underwent some clean-ups:
> mainly re-formatting to better comply with PEP 8, the coding style used
> by most Python projects nowadays.
> These patches often changed all lines in a file, making it hard to apply
> patches built on previous versions. And as I said earlier, I'd like to
> merge Python3 support from pyldap, which is quite a big collection of
> such patches. To make things easier for me, I'd like to do things in
> this order:
> - Start with 2.5.1
> - From 2.5.2 (and 2.5.3), cherry-pick only the patches that don't
> re-format entire files
> - Merge from pyldap
> - Re-format files to follow PEP 8 (Python coding guide) and PEP 7 (C
> coding style) whitespace conventions
> - Test & release
> This wouldn't be a direct continuation of 2.5.x, so it needs a minor
> version, 2.6.0. (Or 3.0, for the symbolism of Python 3 support?)
> Does that sound OK to everyone?


Full disclosure, I'm a co-maintainer of pyldap fork and work for Red Hat
as well.

Yesterday I started to rebase pyldap from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2. The code
format changes and migration from PyString_Spam() to PyBytes_Spam()
caused a lot of merge conflicts.

Petr, please also skip the C-API changes for now.


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