[python-ldap] syncrepl fix for pyasn1 >= 0.3

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Sat Nov 11 14:56:05 EST 2017

Michael Ströder wrote:
> All people installing/upgrading
> from PyPI would be happy with python-ldap 2.5.x and pyasn1 0.3.x.

I've decided to start 2.5.0 incorporating this patch without the
backward-compability expressions. But I have some doubts.

For example in class SSSResponseControl I now see this code:

        attribute_type_error = p.getComponentByName('attributeType')
        if attribute_type_error.hasValue():
            self.attribute_type_error = attribute_type_error

This does not set class attribute attribute_type_error at all in case
there was no error. So this also changes the API for the calling
application because instead of checking for

   foo_sss.attribute_type_error is None

it has to check for

   hasattr(foo_sss, 'attribute_type_error')

Hmm, I could implement a custom ResponseControl.__getattr__() which
returns None in case of non-existent but known class attributes.

But frankly it would be more nice if pyasn1 method getComponentByName()
would take another optional parameter for default value returned in case
of .hasValue()==False.

So I could simply define a default value (here None)

   p.getComponentByName('attributeType', None)

and be done with it. This would avoid a lot of if-statements with
.hasValue() and the ResponseControl.__getattr__() workaround.

Ciao, Michael.

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