[python-ldap] Can i check if the group exist in active directory using python ldap

James Andrewartha trs80 at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Sun Sep 11 08:14:46 EDT 2016

On Sun, 11 Sep 2016, Robert Clove wrote:

> I don't know whether should i create a separate mail thread or should i question here itself, trying here only
> How can i find the nested group membership like if the group1 exist in group2, group3 

You need to use the matching rule 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941, eg



# TRS-80              trs80(a)ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au #/ "Otherwise Bub here will do \
# UCC Wheel Member     http://trs80.ucc.asn.au/ #|  what squirrels do best     |
[ "There's nobody getting rich writing          ]|  -- Collect and hide your   |
[  software that I know of" -- Bill Gates, 1980 ]\  nuts." -- Acid Reflux #231 /

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