[python-ldap] SyncreplConsumer running in parallel with other application

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Thu Jan 7 09:47:50 EST 2016

David Gabriel wrote:
> I am using this python application
> <https://github.com/rbarrois/python-ldap/blob/master/Demo/pyasn1/syncrepl.py>

Note that this is a rather basic demo.

> and
> I want run it parallely with other application.

It's not entirely clear what you exactly mean.

> The problem is that I am blocked in this procedure 'syncrepl_poll'.
> In other words, when this procedure is called no other operation/procedure
> is made !!
> Could you please tell me how to use the aformentionned application without
> having a blocking issue in 'syncrepl_poll' procedure.

Simply use different LDAP connections.

Ciao, Michael.

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