[python-ldap] ldap_sasl_bind_s()

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Sat May 2 18:20:14 CEST 2015

René Kijewski wrote:
> Am Mon, 23 Mar 2015 15:18:49 +0100
> schrieb René Kijewski <rene.kijewski at fu-berlin.de>:
>> Am Sun, 22 Mar 2015 23:18:39 +0100
>> schrieb Michael Ströder <michael at stroeder.com>:
>> […]
>> 1: https://github.com/Kijewski/ldap_sasl_bind_s-example
> Ping? Do you have further questions?

Sorry for following up so late.

I can see the new method's signature more or less repeats that of OpenLDAP's 
function ldap_sasl_bind_s().  SASL is quite flexible and I'm not really 
familiar with SASL lib's C interface.  Therefore I wonder whether all possible 
result types of ldap_sasl_bind_s() are covered in l_ldap_sasl_bind_s().  Well, 
basically it's a string buffer...

I've also added the appropriate message to ReconnectLDAPObject.

Additionally sometimes people asked for completely async SASL bind.  Do you 
see a chance to wrap ldap_sasl_bind() in the C wrapper module and have the 
sync methods only in the Python wrapper (as done for most other functions)?

I've committed to CVS head for now.  Please test.  So far I've only checked 
whether it builds.

What I also need is a license statement that you and your employer don't claim 
rights for the code. Something similar to this:

It would be also nice to have a stand-alone demo script in Demo/.

Ciao, Michael.

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