[python-ldap] ldap.init_fd() patch for python-ldap-2.4.15

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Fri Sep 12 14:08:48 CEST 2014

Mark R Bannister wrote:
> On 10/09/2014 13:43, Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Mark R Bannister wrote:
>>> I needed ldap.init_fd(), so I wrote a patch.  Please find attached. Hope this
>>> works for you too.  I've only tested on OpenSuSE.
>> Could you please elaborate on why you need that?
> Yes of course.  I have a multi-threaded server that maintains a pool of worker
> threads.  Each thread can manage multiple client requests, and each client
> request may be processing a different LDAP connection.  The main worker loop
> needs to select() on a list of file descriptors to see if there is any pending
> I/O to process. This might be new incoming sockets, new commands received from
> existing clients, or new data received from an asynchronous LDAP operation.
> I therefore need ldap.init_fd() so that I have a file descriptor that I can
> pass to select().

I'm a bit concerned about new LDAPObject classes not fitting into normal class

Therefore I've added support to CVS HEAD for getting the file descriptor of an
existing connection via LDAPObject.get_option(ldap.OPT_DESC). Could you please
test whether that would also be a viable solution for use-case?

In fact I thought many times whether LDAPObject class should open connection
itself, especially to get more control with error handling (various TLS
errors/checks etc.). So instead of passing in the fd the LDAPObject class
itself would use socket module and use _ldap.init_fd().
But I'm not sure whether I overlook all implications by such an approach for
existing code.

Ciao, Michael.

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