[python-ldap] [BUG, PATCH] Recursive locking problem when using TLS with reconnect

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Mon Sep 8 09:14:20 CEST 2014

Philipp Hahn wrote:
> After updating python-ldap from 2.3.11 to 2.4.10 one of our tests
> testing the reconnect behavior in obscure cases starts failing: the test
> just hangs.
> The problem also exists with 2.4.13.
> I think this is related to the change in 2.4.9
> "ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject.reconnect() now does kind of an internal
> locking to pause other threads while reconnecting  is pending."

This was fixed in 2.4.14. Upgrading to 2.4.15 is a good idea.

Ciao, Michael.

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