[python-ldap] Problem with sync_ldap_groups_to_svn_authz.py

David Zamora dazaba07 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 00:57:20 CEST 2014

Hi all,

Basically I want to run a POC using this tool. I am working on a Windows
Server 2008.

I just downloaded Python 2.7.8 version and Python LDAP-2.4.15

I opened the GUI console and tried to execute the script
The problem that I have is: This .py file is not located at any Lib folder.
Actually I was looking for in the entire hard drive.

I am  wondering if the newest version change the name of the file, I want
to execute soething like this:

python sync_ldap_groups_to_svn_authz.py -d
"CN=XX,OU=Generic-Account,OU=Resources,DC=AAA,DC=corp,DC=BBB,DC=com" -l "
soething.corp.com" -b "DC=corp,DC=CCC,DC=com" -i "sAMAccountName" >

Thanks in advance for your help

David Zamora
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