[python-ldap] Licensing

Petr Spacek pspacek at redhat.com
Fri Jun 20 09:38:38 CEST 2014

On 19.6.2014 16:56, Florian Friesdorf wrote:
> Dear Michael,
> Michael Ströder <michael at stroeder.com> writes:
>> Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
>>> (..)
>>> Without a concrete text of the license for our lawyers to review we are
>>> blocked from releasing our project to the public, as it is perceived as
>>> threat to the company. Would it be possible to include a full text of the
>>> license in the LICENSE file, or an unambiguous reference to a specific
>>> license? That would help us a lot.
>> Mentioning a Python style license was my fault for two reasons:
>> 1. It is an obstacle to incorporate python-ldap into Python's standard lib.
>> 2. It's not precise enough as you already said.
>> Mainly the term "Python style" was used to express that you should be able to
>> do whatever you're allowed to do with Python.
>> The two authors (David and me) writing most of the code could agree on a quite
>> liberal open source license.
> Do you have a specific license in mind?
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#Python
> The current python license is non-copyleft and compatible with GPL.
>> But since we did not insist on written statements
>> to agree upon a license for the few contributions made by others we would have
>> to ask all contributors. Most of them are not subscribed to the list anymore I
>> guess.
>> Frankly I'm not sure what to do to clarify this unfortunate situation.
> I suggest and am willing to help:
> - you (and David) as the main authors decide on a desired license
> - we figure out the authors email address / other means of contacting
>    them
> - we contact the authors and ask for their permission to relicense
>  From the logs:
> | author      | number of commits |      when |
> |-------------+-------------------+-----------|
> | aschauer    |                 3 |      2002 |
> | deepak_giri |                 4 |      2005 |
> | fog         |                 9 |      2000 |
> | jajcus      |                18 |      2001 |
> | jlt63       |                 1 |      2001 |
> | kchuguev    |                 1 |      2001 |
> | leonard     |               138 | 2000-2009 |
> | stroeder    |              1251 |   ongoing |
> | uid32935    |                 2 |      2001 |

I don't want to thwart re-licensing effort but please keep in mind that there 
could be commits from different authors (e.g. me :-) buried under other 
account names (stroeder in my case).

I have no idea how common it is, maybe it is exceptional mistake.

Petr^2 Spacek

> Do you have names and email addresses of the authors?
> kchuguev's I found while browsing the commit logs.
> best regards
> Florian
> PS: I removed Radomir from the recipients as his email address is no
> longer active.

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