[python-ldap] Help for get exception

Avner Gonçalves avner.goncalves at s2it.com.br
Wed Nov 27 19:16:50 CET 2013

I run this command in line for terminar:
"ldapwhoami -x -D "cn=XXXXXX,ou=People,dc=XXXXXX,dc=com" -e ppolicy -w XXXXXX"

"ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49); Password expired"

I need run this code:

    l = ldap.open("")
    l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3

    username  = "cn=XXXXXX,ou=People,dc=XXXXXX,dc=com"
    password  = "XXXXXX"

    msgid = l.simple_bind_s(username,password)
    print msgid;

except ldap.LDAPError, e:
    print 'Simple bind failed:',str(e)

And return:
"Simple bind failed: {'desc': 'Invalid credentials'}"

How i get this execption "Password expired" ?

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