[python-ldap] Yet another Python3 port (Rapha?l Barrois)

python3ldap python3ldap at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 20:22:54 CET 2013

Hello Michael,
I've tried to keep the library simple and consistent with the RFCs. To
start an LDAP connection you create a Server object and one (or more)
Connection object.
In the Server object you specify the communication parameters:

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, Tls
server = Server('servername')  # define an unsecure LDAP server with
default parameters (port 389)

If you want a SSL connection just add useSsl=True and port=portNnumber
and a Tls object to the server definition:
server = Server('servername', port = 636, useSsl = True, tls = Tls())
# define a secure (over SSL) LDAP server with default Tls

then create the connection object specifying the authentication parameters:
connection = Connection(server, user = 'test-user', password =
'test-password')  # create a connection to the server (default to
simple authentication and synchronous communication strategy)

then use the connection as usual:
results = connection.search(...)

To start a TLS connection with the StartTLS extension (on an already
created unsecure connection) you need a Tls object, if not already
passed to the server object:

connection.tls = Tls()

RFCs specify that Tls can be started either before or after bind:

before bind:

after bind:

The same Tls object is used in SSL connection and startTls operation.
It's quite complex because you have to define the needed tls
parameters to have a validated connection:
localPrivateKeyFile = None, localCertificateFile = None, validate =
ssl.CERT_NONE, version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, caCertsFile = None

Internally, in the Tls object, I use the ssl package of the Python
standard library (present in Python2.6, 2.7, and 3.x). I wrap and
unwrap the network socket to add and remove the secure layer as needed
by the connection:

    def wrapSocket(self, sock, doHandshake = False):
        Add TLS to a plain socket and return the SSL socket
        return ssl.wrap_socket(sock, keyfile = self.privateKeyFile,
certfile = self.certificateFile, server_side = False, cert_reqs =
                               ssl_version = self.version, ca_certs =
self.caCertsFile, do_handshake_on_connect = doHandshake)

    def unwrapSocket(sock):
        Remove TLS from an SSL socket and return the plain socket
        return sock.unwrap()

For SASL I've developed a ldap3.protocol.sasl package that follow the
SaslPrep alghoritm as per RFC 4013 and a generic implementation for
EXTERNAL. Now I'm working on MD5 (even if this is deprecated in
RFC6331) and I'm not sure what other mechanism should be implemented.
That's all.


2013/11/23 Michael Ströder <michael at stroeder.com>:
> python3ldap wrote:
>> I've developed a pure python3 ldap client (can be used with python2
>> too) that doesn't need the openldap client extension. You can find it
>> on https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python3-ldap.
> Looks interesting. But I wonder how you deal with SSL/TLS and SASL.
> Ciao, Michael.

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