[python-ldap] Patch: Allow abort of ldif parsing

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Mon Apr 22 19:15:18 CEST 2013

Fassl, Michael wrote:
> I’ve extended the LDIFParser class to be able to abort parsing by returning
> „False“ in the „handle()“ method.
> Reason I implemented this:
> I need  to search for an object in a LDIF file containing ~ 8 million records
> and I want to stop on the first match.
> Please share your thoughts about that.

You could easily implement your own custom class based on LDIFParser and raise
an abort exception in your custom method handle().

=> no need for this patch

Also changing the result type of handle() is rather cumbersome.
I'd rather prefer a patch which implements a generator based on LDIFParser
inspired by ldap.resiter.ResultProcessor. Hmm, maybe I already have some code
for it somewhere on my hard disk...

Ciao, Michael.

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