[python-ldap] One vote for 3.x

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Thu Dec 1 10:08:47 CET 2011

On Dec 1, 2011, at 09:50 , Michael Ströder wrote:
> But don't you then need Cython installed to build a certain module?
> And how about pre-compiled binaries? Do they need extra Cython parts shipped
> along with them?

Cython just adds a step before the actual C compiling. You run it against the Cython source files, which will convert the Cython .pyx into standard .c files. Those can then be built like any other C extension and Cython does not need to be installed. That means if you check those resulting C files into the version control system the build process will remain identical for all consumers of your egg. Only the developers need to know about Cython.

I'm doing some work for a customer on a new SAP R/3 connection library, and they use Cython for the C bits as well.


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