[python-ldap] One vote for 3.x

Chris Dukes chris.dukes.aix at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 14:42:18 CET 2011

On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 11:09 +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
> John W. Shipman wrote:
> > We have a number of applications here that use python-ldap.  We're
> > just starting to convert our application base to Python 3.2.  So
> > please record one vote for a 3.x version.
> I'm pretty sure there would be many votes for a 3.x version. But there are
> currently not very many people really considering spending work time needed
> into it to get a well maintained version.
> Please see the mailing list archive about this.

My two cents for anyone wanting to start on it.
1) Start by either getting _ldap.so to work with python 3.x, *OR*
replace _ldap.so with pure python calling 'ctypes' that maintains close
to the same interface.  The latter will probably be quicker to develop.
The former will work on less loved OSes like AIX.
2) Look at the python-ldap APIs you actually use and start getting them
clean for python 3.x.

Chris Dukes.  
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