[python-ldap] Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)

Yeargan, Yancey yancey at unt.edu
Thu Jul 28 17:19:22 CEST 2011

You might consider MacPorts.

On Jul 28, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Rob McBroom wrote:
>> I'm not familiar with MAC OS X and the file system used for the libs.
>> Maybe you have to install additional development files like on Linux boxes? Is
>> ldap.h around at all?
> Yes it is, and while it doesn’t explicitly specify a version, the date is 2010/06/10. A mere 20 days earlier than the date in the man pages for 2.4.23. It also contains a reference to `ldap_create_assertion_control_value`.
> Looks to me like the header doesn’t match the library. I don’t know a lot about C, but this seems broken to me. Maybe I should just put my own copy in `/usr/local` to build against.

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