[python-ldap] ldap.SUCCESS sometimes, the results other times

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Fri Jul 8 09:07:12 CEST 2011

Jeff Blaine wrote:
> I'm clearly doing something wrong :)
> I don't see this addressed in the documentation or the
> FAQ.
> I'm developing something.  When I run it, the majority
> of the time I get traceback ending in ldap.SUCCESS
> instead of the expected output.  Eventually, if I run
> it enough times, it spits out my data instead of
> ldap.SUCCESS

Well, my crystal ball is blurry... ;-)

It would certainly help if you provide a terse example script which implements
the "something" and showing the behaviour you described above.

It's also interesting which versions of python-ldap and OpenLDAP you're
running and whether you compiled from source or using a pre-compiled package.

Ciao, Michael.

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