[python-ldap] Querying Active Directory excessively slower than querying eDirectory

Thorsten Kampe thorsten at thorstenkampe.de
Tue May 17 15:28:47 CEST 2011

* Cornelius Kölbel (2011-05-17 14:55 +0200)
> Am 17.05.2011 14:34, schrieb Thorsten Kampe:
> > In the Active Directory case it is the root of the domain partition
> > (/dc=conto
> > so,dc=com) in the eDirectory case it is the root of the tree. But that
> > shouldn't matter since the response with the query data comes within
> > sixty milliseconds. The filter is the default ((objectClass=*)).

> I do not know eDirectory that good.
> But in Active Directory you will also find the configuration partition
> underneath dc=contoso,dc=com, where you might habe no read access!
> Maybe this slows some things down?
> Do you also get slow results when using another search base like
>    ou=myOrga,dc=contoso,dc=com ?

As I wrote, this is not a connectivity issue. AD and eDir return the
result over the network within less than a tenth of a second.


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