Question: Mac OS 10.6 and Python 2.6

John Cody jtcody at
Fri Mar 5 14:52:57 CET 2010

> This is a known problem when using a non-Apple supplied Python install:
> The bug has more details, but the basic workaround is to install the 10.4
> SDK (it's an optional package when installing Xcode) and using GCC 4.0
> instead of the default 4.2.
> --
> Ben
> I had tried downloading the 10.4 SDK and setting GCC to 4.0, since that is
what worked for  building other python packages, but it didn't seem to work
for this.  In the setup.cfg file I put in this parameter:

extra_compile_args = -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk

and that seemed to do the trick.

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