ANN: python-ldap-2.3.9

Torsten Kurbad python-ldap at
Mon Jul 27 13:46:17 CEST 2009

Hi list, hi Michael,

first of all: Michael, thanks for the new release!

Eggs for 2.3.9 are available at

In addition to the information given in the section ".egg builds" on

the following changes apply:

- MacOS X / Linux -> no change in prerequisites
- MacOS X fat eggs have been successfully tested on a freshly
  installed MacOS X 10.4 PPC System.
- The Windows eggs are now statically linked against libsasl2.
  To accomplish this, I used the method described at
  to build the .DLL and then converted it into a static MinGW
  compatible lib by executing (thanks for the hint, Waldemar ;-)

	# pexports.exe -v \
		-h ../include/sasl/sasl.h libsasl.dll >libsasl.def
	# dlltool.exe --input-def libsasl.def \
		--dllname libsasl.dll --output-lib libsasl2.a -k

As always, testers are very welcome, especially for the Win32 SASL

Best regards,
Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do
the work.
		-- John G. Pollard

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