Apache DS ignores attrsonly

Thorsten Kampe thorsten at thorstenkampe.de
Mon Jul 13 13:43:57 CEST 2009

* Michael Ströder (Mon, 13 Jul 2009 13:23:26 +0200)
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > It does work against eDirectory and Active Directory (as mentioned). 
> ...and OpenLDAP. So the likelihood is very high that python-ldap does
> not have a bug.
> > "ldapsearch -A" also works against Apache DS. The question is still: is 
> > that a Python-LDAP or Apache DS bug?
> It's a ApacheDS bug.
> > Could you install Apache Directory Server or Apache Directory Studio? 
> Hmm, you're very generous with my spare time.

> > Both allow you to create that directory that I queried in about one 
> > minute.
> I did and watching the LDAP traffic with Wireshark shows that ApacheDS
> returns the attribute values although searchRequest::typesOnly is True
> on the wire. In opposite to that OpenLDAP's slapd does not return any
> attribute values in this case.
> I suspect ldapsearch -A also changes the way how found entries are
> displayed.
> Please next time use Wireshark to track things down.

I would have done it if that would be an option. Apart from the fact 
that my Apache DS runs on my local host and winpcap not being able to 
capture packets on the looback interface (on Windows) I am not familiar 
with LDAP enough to be able to judge what "searchRequest::typesOnly" is 
or means.

Nevertheless thanks, I'm going to open a bug with the Apache DS team.


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