LDIF Generation using Python-LDAP

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Sat May 16 14:58:13 CEST 2009

Guruprasad wrote:
> 2009/5/16 Michael Ströder <michael at stroeder.com>:
>> Guruprasad wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I tried generating a LDIF file from a dictionary using 'ldif' module
>>> as illustrated in http://www.python-ldap.org/doc/html/ldif.html. But
>>> at the end of the LDIF data, I get a newline and a 'None', whereas
>>> there is no such thing in the result shown in that example. How to get
>>> rid of those unwanted characters. I am using Python-LDAP 2.3.5-1 on
>>> Debian Lenny.
>> Could you please post your code (in a short form) demonstrating the
>> issue? Note that there is a new-line after each entry record. But was
>> 'None' is in your case is not clear to me.
> Basically what I am trying to do with this code is that, I manipulate
> the result returned by ldapsearch to remove some attributes and
> generate a LDIF output for the modified entry.
> <code>
>         res_type, result_data=l.result(res_id,0)
>         if (result_data==[]):
>             break
>         dn=result_data[0][0]
> 	resd=result_data[0][1]
>         resd["objectClass"].remove("inetLocalMailRecipient")
> 	    resd["objectClass"].remove("organizationalPerson")
> 	    resd["objectClass"].remove("inetOrgPerson")
>         resd["objectClass"].remove("posixAccount")
>         lw=ldif.LDIFWriter(sys.stdout)
> 	guru=lw.unparse(dn,resd)
> 	print guru
> </code>

Your code looks like processing of LDAP search results (because of the
res_type). I'd recommend to look at the actual data in dictionary resd.
Also note that the identiation seems wrong. This could be because of
cut&paste to your MUA from the editor with different tab-interpretation.
But make sure identiation is correct in the real code.

Ciao, Michael.

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