Any example of Server/Client Side Sorting?

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu May 14 15:18:42 CEST 2009

Zhang Huangbin wrote:
> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> 1. Client-side sorting is done within the client libs if supported. So
>> it wouldn't be listed in the attribute 'supportedControl' of the DSA's
>> rootDSE anyway. Not sure whether client controls are used in OpenLDAP's
>> libldap at all.
> Any exist python module/function to sort ldap search results?

Well, why do you really need that? I don't have client-side sorting in
web2ldap because it won't scale with large search results. Some of my
customers have more than 100k person/user entries in their directories.

>> 2. One should always try out whether a DSA supports a particular control
>> within a certain naming context. E.g. former versions of OpenLDAP
>> supported the Tree Deletion Control only for naming contexts served by
>> back-sql.
>> Feature detection is not that easy.
> I also need function to delete ldap tree too, and reading your
> web2ldap/pylib/ now.

The function DelTree() is in pylib/w2lapp/ If the tree
deletion control cannot or shall not be used it also makes use of some
operational attributes (e.g. hasSubordinates etc.) to determine whether
a found entry is a leaf-entry.

> Tring to learn ldap programing from web2ldap now. Thanks for your great
> program. :)

Bear in mind that I started learning Python when the first code was
written almost 11 years ago. So I have to admit that many parts are
really ugly code and not really good programming examples.

Ciao, Michael.

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