Any example of Server/Client Side Sorting?

Zhang Huangbin zhbmaillistonly at
Thu May 14 11:34:19 CEST 2009

Hi, all.

Does anyone has working code snippet of server/client side sorting?

I use serverctrls in search_ext_s() like this:

  search_ext_s(xxxx, serverctrls = [ 
ldap.controls.LDAPControl('1.2.840.113556.1.4.473',1,None) ],)

got error msg:

  UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION: {'info': 'critical extension is not 
recognized', 'desc': 'Critical extension is unavailable'}

* Use clientctrls:

  search_ext_s(xxxx, clientctrls = [ 
ldap.controls.LDAPControl('1.2.840.113556.1.4.473',1,None) ],)

got error msg:

  NOT_SUPPORTED: {'info': '', 'desc': 'Not Supported'}

My os is Ubuntu 9.04, OpenLDAP-2.4.15-1ubuntu3.

Best regards.

Zhang Huangbin

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