Distinguished name problem

Fredrik Melander melander at dfn-cert.de
Mon Feb 16 11:28:28 CET 2009

Hello, list!
I'm sure I'm overlooking something fairly obvious her, and I'm hoping
that somebody here can point me in the right direction. We have a small
ldap-server running here and I've now been given the honor of writing a
small Python program to interact with it.

>From the command line (ldapsearch) I've got no problem becoming whatever
I want. The python-ldap module on the other hand gives me *almost*
anything I want. The only thing that I seem to not be able to get is the
DN. The documentation makes a somewhat cryptic reference to a function
called ldap_get_dn(). It's mentioned only once and not further
explained. Trial and error, excessive googling, book flipping etc.
unfortunately didn't get me any further either.

Bear with me if this is a stupid question. I, as a programmer, have very
limited ldap-experience (in fact, this is the first time I'm having
anything to do with it), and my ldap guru here has little programming
experience, so we're kind of stuck at the moment.

Any suggestions very welcome! Thanks in advance.

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