support for wildcard certficates

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu Jul 3 12:28:02 CEST 2008

Rahul Amaram wrote:
> I have set up a ldap server with a wildcard certificate. Upon trying to 
> establish a TLS connection using python ldap, I get the error "TLS: 
> hostname does not match CN in peer certificate". This works fine if I 
> use a certificate with the exact domain name. Is this a bug? Are there 
> any known solutions to this? Looking forward to a response.

Well, personally I'd recommend not to use wildcard certs at all
=> I never tested anything like this.

python-ldap simply relies on OpenLDAP libs which in turn rely on 
OpenSSL. Hmm, so this should be probably raised on the openldap-software 
mailing list.

> P.S: "ldapwhoami" command establishes a TLS connection properly even 
> when using a wild-card certificate. So I am assuming it might be a 
> problem with python-ldap library.

You might wanna dive into the source of ldapwhoami and look up which 
options they set. BTW: Are you sure that your local python-ldap 
installation uses the same OpenLDAP client libs like the ldapwhoami 
command-line tool?

Ciao, Michael.

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