LDAP Polling

Yeargan, Yancey yancey at unt.edu
Tue Jan 29 23:51:13 CET 2008

> Hmm, which version of python-ldap is this? Did you install from source?
> Looking at function l_ldap_result3() in Modules/LDAPObject.c I
> can't figure out why a 3-tuple is returned. I did not write this
> code though...
> Ciao, Michael.

Not from source. This version came
with SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.

$Id: ldapobject.py,v 1.92 2005/11/03 09:09:43 stroeder Exp $

To solve my immediate need, I re-coded the function like so:

  def result3(self,msgid=_ldap.RES_ANY,all=1,timeout=None):
    if timeout is None:
      timeout = self.timeout
    ldap_result = self._ldap_call(self._l.result3,msgid,all,timeout)
    if ldap_result == (None,None,None):
      return (None,None,None,None)
      rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls = ldap_result
      decoded_serverctrls = DecodeControlTuples(serverctrls)
    return rtype, rdata, rmsgid, decoded_serverctrls

Can you point me to code for "self._l.result3"?
I may have time later this week to do more debugging.


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