python-ldap on PyPI

Torsten Kurbad python-ldap at
Sat Jul 14 22:35:07 CEST 2007

On Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 16:47 Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Using a standard Linux distribution, like Gentoo,
> Hmm, all modifications to should work on Windows either.

Do you mean _native_ Win32 or rather Cygwin? Is there native OpenLDAP
support for Win32?

>> 1. If not already done so, follow the instructions at

> Is it a MUST?
For the .egg, yes, since only setuptools provide the necessary bdist_egg command.

>> -from distutils.core import setup, Extension
>> +from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages

> Hmm, this replaces distutils completely. Isn't there any pattern for a
> fall-back to distutils if setuptools is not available?

Oh, something like:

setuptools = False
    from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages
    setuptools = True
    from distutils.core import setup, Extension

and later on:

packages = None
if setuptools and float(sys.version[:3]) < 2.3:
    packages = find_packages('ldap', 'ldap.schema')

>> +if float(sys.version[:3]) < 2.3:
>> +    packages = find_packages('ldap', 'ldap.schema')
>> [..]
>>       #-- Python packages (doesn't work with Python prior 2.3)
>> -#    packages = ['ldap', 'ldap.schema'],
>> +        packages = packages,

> And how to build that with Python 2.2 and earlier?
Oh, the comment:
  #-- Python packages (doesn't work with Python prior 2.3)
is not mine. Thus, I set packages to None above the if-statement
(which should actually be the same as leaving the packages variable
out completely, which was the case in the original

>> +        platforms = ['posix']

> Shouldn't that be derived from sys.platform during build?
> Or at least to be defined in setup.cfg. That's what it's for.

Sorry, I didn't know that - this was my first platform-specific egg, so
I thought it's to be set there (I found this one in another

> For now I consider your patch to solve the .egg thingy for you. I won't
> patch the general in standard source distribution. I might add
> your version of as under Build/ in the source
> distribution.

Hmm, perhaps we could come to a more general solution cooperatively.
PyPI is quickly becoming for Python what CPAN is for Perl, so I don't
think that an important package like Python-LDAP should stand back there.

On monday I'll try to create a that still works with distutils
and Python 2.2. But due to my lack of experience in Windows programming
I'd highly appreciate, if you (or someone else with the necessary
experience) could test the whole thing on the Win32 platform...

Do we have a deal? ;o)

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