LDAP bind results failing

Jim Boone jboone01 at bcuc.ac.uk
Thu Oct 26 12:44:28 CEST 2006

Hi gang,

Ok, first time I've needed to test a bind, whats wrong with it?

l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://server:636",trace_level=2)
l.protocol_version = 3

do a bind a know user, then bounce out the dn for the proper bind. Thats 
all good, can thet attributes out and play with happily, I then need to 
test the users credentials against ldap in order to then run an LDAP 
modify on some attributes, I'm using:

except ldap.LDAPError, e:
if valid:
print "****************valid****************"
print "--------------- nope ----------------"

with the latter being my debug code obviously
It always returns valid, even though with the wrong credentials I can 
see the rejection on the LDAP server.  LDAP server is Netware, I have a 
PERL script which runs against it which does return an 'unauthorized' 
result..... Please Lord, don't make me write this in PERL!

Surely this must be straight forward and I'm missing something??



Jim Boone
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
R&D Manager - Information and Communication Technologies
Tel: 01494 522141 ext 3569

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