encodings while modify AD with linux-client

Ingo Steuwer steuwer at univention.de
Tue May 3 09:41:39 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 2. Mai 2005 20:22 schrieb Michael Ströder:
> Ingo Steuwer wrote:
> > modlist=[(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,"description",[u"hallöle".encode('ISO-8859-1')
> >])] lo.modify_s("CN=moreusers,CN=Users,%s"%ldap_base,modlist)
> LDAPv3 mandates use of Unicode with UTF-8 encoding. You are accessing
> Active Directory via its LDAPv3 interface. Hence it expects UTF-8.
> > It is documented that Active Directory uses ISO-8859-1 and not utf8 (like
> > Openldap an others).
> I doubt that. Well, depends on what "Active Directory uses ISO-8859-1"
> really means...

This was mentioned in a documentation of a python-ldap-based tool a can't find 
anymore... google stuff.

> But the charset of the internal storage of AD is not relevant when
> accessing it through LDAPv3.
> > So, is this a python-ldap or openldap-problem
> Nope. The applications using python-ldap are responsible to provide the
> proper charset and encoding at the API level.
> I've tried it. It works for me with UTF-8.

Just to be sure: You tried it which way? My experiences are that python-ldap 
doesn't allow the use of unicode in a modlist (see Exception in my first 
mail, "expected a string in the list"). Which python-version do you use?

Furthermore it seems to me that python-ldap does not use unicode internaly. If 
I read from AD I get unicode strings which are handled by python like Latin 
--  which means I have to convert them like "unicode(value,'utf8')". I 
expected that modlist will need also unicode as normal strings but that will 
give me the other conversion-exception ("ordinal not in range(128)").

Ingo Steuwer

> Ciao, Michael.

Ingo Steuwer       steuwer at univention.de         fon: +49 421 22 232- 0
Entwicklung        Linux for Your Business
Univention GmbH    http://www.univention.de/     fax: +49 421 22 232-99

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