ANN: python-ldap-2.0.3

Jens Vagelpohl jens at
Wed Oct 6 21:26:33 CEST 2004

> * Added support for LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation
>   (see RFC 3062)
> Demo/:
> * Added
> Modules/:
> * Added l_ldap_passwd() in LDAPObject.c
> Lib/:
> * Added methods passwd() and passwd_s() to
>   ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject

Question: Is the Password Modify Extended Operation a generally 
supported LDAP operation or is it only on a few server implementations 
(I know OpenLDAP has it)? I'm trying to gauge whether this should be 
the default under-the-hood way of changing passwords from my own 
Zope-related products.



Jens Vagelpohl			jens at
Software Engineer			Zope - done medium rare
Zetwork GmbH

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