Possible bug results in 'Encoding Error' on Tru64 5.1A..

Mike D'Errico mike at Nexus.concordia.ca
Tue Jul 13 16:40:27 CEST 2004

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Michael Ströder wrote:

> > - openldap-2.2.14 (tried on 2.1.23 also)
> I found in CHANGES of OpenLDAP 2.2.15 Engineering (currently only available
> as branch OPENLDAP_REL_ENG_2_2 in OpenLDAP's CVS):
>          Fixed libldap sasl_encode 64-bit bug (ITS#3054,3212)
> I don't have a clue whether that's really related to this issue here though.
> It could be since LDAPObject.simple_bind() directly wraps ldap_sasl_bind().

This is very interesting indeed.. Unfortunatly I've just tried recompiling
the module using this cvs version of openldap, but it doesn't see to have
fixed anything...

> Could you please try to submit a LDAP search request right after invoking
> ldap.initialize() to determine if LDAPObject.simple_bind() is the only
> problem or if the issue is a more general one?

Humm the problem appears to be on simple_bind() only... Here's the output:

*** ldap://some_valid_host - SimpleLDAPObject.set_option ((17, 3),{})
*** ldap://some_valid_host - SimpleLDAPObject.search_ext (('', 0,
'(objectClass=*)', None, 0, None, None, -1, 0),{})
=> result: 1
*** ldap://some_valid_host - SimpleLDAPObject.result2 ((1, 1, -1),{})
=> result: (101, [('', {'objectClass': ['top', 'OpenLDAProotDSE']})], 1)
[('', {'objectClass': ['top', 'OpenLDAProotDSE']})]

I've been debugging the problem all morning and all signs point towards
the openldap itself.. perhaps there's another 64 bit issue that I've
uncovered. I'll keep working on this and let you all know if I trace this
problem back towards the python-ldap module.

Thanks you for the prompt response,


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