Noisy output with SASL-Authentication

Johannes Beigel jojo at
Thu Jan 29 11:35:46 CET 2004


Michael Ströder wrote:
> Johannes Beigel wrote:
>> I use python-ldap with SASL/Digest-MD5 authentication. With each 
>> sasl_bind_s() I get output like:
>>   SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started
>>   SASL username: admin at gandalf
>>   SASL SSF: 128
>>   SASL installing layers
> Post your code.

Sorry, I forgot. The relevant code snippet is this:

   self.ldap = ldap.initialize(uri)
   sasl = ldap.sasl.digest_md5(ADMIN_WITH_REALM, ADMIN_PW)
   self.ldap.sasl_bind_s(ADMIN_DN, sasl)

After reading your mail, I also tried the following lines instead of the 
simple call to ldap.initialize() without a change in the output of the 

   self.ldap = ldap.initialize(uri, trace_level=0)
   self.ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 0)

But I guess, 0 is the default value for OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL and trace_level 
anyway. (For trace_level this is documented in python-ldap documentation.)


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