how to know the end?

paul kölle paul at
Fri Nov 28 13:01:23 CET 2003

Lukas Meyer wrote:

> Hi there,
> I want to show the whole ldap structure in a tree. I want to do that 
> with a loop that continous searching in each branch it found. But my 
> problem is, how I can let the loop know if it is the end btw the last 
> branch of a branch. Is there anything to check for that? My current code 
> checks everytime the first branch, then the first branch of the first 
> branch etc. but if it is at the latest one, it hangs. So I need anything 
> how i can say "if you are in the latest one, break the loop".

Just a thought, at least Openldap each entry has an operational 
attribute "hasSubordinates: TRUE | FALSE".


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