
Andrew Thomson ajthomson at
Mon May 26 09:39:51 CEST 2003

Thanks, that's perfect..

one other question if I may.. how can I modify the following,

__init__(self, output_file, base64_attrs=None, cols=76, line_sep='\n')
        file object for output
        list of attribute types to be base64-encoded in any case
        Specifies how many columns a line may have before it's
        folded into many lines.
        String used as line separator

to increase the column length.. some of my entries are wrapping.



On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 07:50:55AM +0200, Michael Str?der wrote:
> Andrew Thomson wrote:
> > It's great to be able to crank out the ldiff data from a running tree
> > using async.LDIFWriter
> >
> > When we do this,
> >
> > s = ldap.async.LDIFWriter(
> >    ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:389'),
> >
> > is it possible to incorporate bind details??
> import ldap,ldap.async
> f = open('results.ldif','w')
> l = ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:389')
> l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
> l.simple_bind_s('cn=Directory Manager','top secret')
> s = ldap.async.LDIFWriter(l,f)
> s.startSearch('dc=example,dc=com',ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(objectClass=*)')
> s.processResults()
> Note that this will write the entries in the order they are returned from 
> the server. This is not necessarily the right tree order.
> > ie, so I can log in as the
> > directory manager and not be restricted by the SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED
> This is a matter of the LDAP server implementation. If the server does not 
> impose any search limits for 'cn=Directory Manager' in the example above 
> you will be able to retrieve all results.
> Ciao, Michael.

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