python-ldap freezing

alex at alex at
Tue May 13 21:22:30 CEST 2003

Hi Michael,

I read that too ... I tried to copy the .so file to
/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload where are .so files for the built in modules
are kept without success. I was wondering if there is a additional file which
tells python (and freeze) that the .so file is actually there and can be
used to freeze a script.

The 2nd idea I'm going to try is to link the .so file to the binary (editing
the Makefile produced by freeze).

There must be a 'officall' way to freeze custom build libraries correctly.

Best regards


On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 09:12:25PM +0200, Michael Ströder wrote:
> Alexander Meisel wrote:
> > 
> > I have to freeze the software I wrote in order to get it running on a
> > system which is not allowed to have a python (in fact any scripting language)
> > installation. I use the python ldap module with the utility in the
> > Python tools distribution, but don't quite know what to do (in the building
> > process) to the module to make it 'freezable'.
> The following note in Python-2.2.2/Tools/freeze/README does not sound too good.
> --------------------------------- snip ---------------------------------
> A warning about shared library modules
> --------------------------------------
> When your Python installation uses shared library modules such as
> _tkinter.pyd, these will not be incorporated in the frozen program.
>   Again, the frozen program will work when you test it, but it won't
>   work when you ship it to a site without a Python installation.
> --------------------------------- snip ---------------------------------
> I tried to freeze Demo/ but did not succeed.
> Ciao, Michael.

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