incompatibility with pypgsql?

Allan Streib astreib at
Tue Feb 11 05:19:56 CET 2003

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Michael Ströder wrote:

> Allan Streib wrote:
> > Wondering if anyone has noted the following problem:
> >
> > import ldap
> > from pyPgSQL import libpq
> > [..]
> > c = libpq.PQconnectdb(host, dbname, user, password)
> > Segmentation fault.
> >
> > This is with pypgsql 2.2 and python-ldap-2.0.0-pre06.
> Note sure if that helps but please check an old message appended below.

Just thought I'd let everyone know that the segmentation fault described
above does not occur if I build python-ldap using the openldap 2.0.27
libs.  I still don't understand why this is causing a segfault in pypgsql
but perhaps something in the openldap 2.0.23 libs is overwriting something
that happens to be in pypgsql's space, and this problem has been fixed in
the 2.0.27 openldap libs.


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