unable to build ldap.py

Ulf von Ceumern vonceumern at rz.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Sep 5 13:55:35 CEST 2002

Michael Ströder wrote:

> > plus: i am installing this under a user dir and need to point python to
> > use this version rather than the old version which is installed under
> > the python lib dir somewhere. how do i do that?
> Use the executable of python which is in your user dir when invoking
> setup.py.
> Example:
> $ /home/ulf/bin/python setup.py build
> $ /home/ulf/bin/python setup.py install
> instead of
> $ python setup.py build
> $ python setup.py install
> Note that the build also has to be done with your locally installed version!

Hi Michael.

Thanks for your help on the warning.

But you got me wrong on the second problem:

I want a python script to use the  python-ldap  version in my home dir rather
than the one installed in the usual dir.  I set

 and this is what i get:

bash-2.03$ python -d /home/ceumern/ldap/ldap_test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ceumern/ldap/ldap_test.py", line 6, in ?
    import ldap
line 11, in ?
    from _ldap import *
ImportError: ld.so.1: python: fatal: libldap.so.2: open failed: No such file or

when i unset the variable the skript uses the version installed under
python2.1/site-packages/ldap and it works.
there seems to be something wrong with my built version, but i cannot figure
out what.

regards, Ulf
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