License (was: Re: TODO until python-ldap 2.0.0 final release)

Michael Ströder michael at
Fri Aug 23 15:58:36 CEST 2002

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
 > Michael Ströder wrote:
 > > sounds much like that.
 > > from my read of those pages about the PSF i could not find anything that 
> said the PSF licenses other software packages or offers to somehow be an 
> umbrella for  python-related software.

My understanding of English is not perfect. That's for sure. Maybe 
I misunderstood these items on the PSF mission list:

----------------------------- snip -----------------------------
*  Establishes PSF licenses, ensuring the rights of the public to 
freely obtain, use, redistribute, and modify intellectual property 
held by the PSF.
*  Solicits and manages contributions to the Python codebase, and 
may perform these services on behalf of other open source 
Python-related codebases.
----------------------------- snip -----------------------------

Let's wait for what Guido and David will answer.

Ciao, Michael.

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