cidict problems

Jens Vagelpohl jens at
Thu Aug 8 15:47:42 CEST 2002

just as a FYI: we're kind of "stuck" on 2.1.3 as far as zope goes right 
now, so that will be the version that people run who run a recent version 
of zope.

the first version of zope to "officially" support 2.2.x will be 2.7, which 
is a few months away.


On Thursday, August 8, 2002, at 09:42 , Michael Ströder wrote:

> Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>> in your last mail you said that the UserDict.get method would turn 
>> around and use __getitem__. this is not true, it uses "get" itself. i am 
>> working on python 2.1.3, maybe this has changed in the version you are 
>> using.
> I'm using 2.2.1.
>> here is the relevant code::
>>  35         def get(self, key, failobj=None):
>>  36  ->         return, failobj)
> Aaargh, that's flawed!
>> maybe the cidict class should override the method "get" as well?
> /bin/done
> I've also added .keys() and .items() with case-respecting handling 
> including test cases.
> Everyone is encouraged to test with different Python versions (without 
> using option -O off course)!
> $ python Lib/ldap/
> Ciao, Michael.

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