Setting options via class attributes of LDAPObject

Michael Ströder michael at
Thu Jul 25 18:27:29 CEST 2002

Michael Ströder wrote:
> I'd like to remove the possibility to set/get LDAP options via class 
> attributes of ldap.LDAPObject instances since it's error-prone and 
> kludgy code.
> LDAPObject.set_option() and LDAPObject.get_option() is the complete 
> solution.
> Although it might break existing code if I remove 
> LDAPObject.__setattr__() and LDAPObject.__getattr__(). Therefore I'd 
> like to ask who is setting LDAP options via class attributes?

Hmm, I've checked in a much less complex implementation of 
LDAPObject.__setattr__() and LDAPObject.__getattr__().

But I'd really like to remove getattr() and setattr() in 
LDAPObject.c since it does not make sense to do this at the C 
level. But if I remove getattr() and setattr() the set_option() 
and get_option() method are also removed.

David, can you please enlighten me how the stuff in options.c 
works? It seems somewhat overly complex to me.

Ciao, Michael.

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