python-ldap 2.0.0pre04 Installation problem

Michael Ströder michael at
Tue Jul 2 18:00:15 CEST 2002

Isabelle Moullet wrote:
>> Isabelle Moullet wrote:
>>> I got the following error message as I tried to install python-ldap 
>>> 2.0.0pre04
>>> release on a 2.8 Solaris machine with the command :python build
>> Did you install the required OpenLDAP 2 libs before?
> No I didn't ! Maybe that's my problem.. But I remember that with verison 
> 1.10alpha3 it was not useful, right ?

python-ldap 1.x only works with OpenLDAP 1.x, Netscape 3.x(?) and 
old Novell libs.

python-ldap 2.x requires OpenLDAP 2.x libs installed.

>  Do you think it is better to use 1.10alpha3 or the latest release ?

I'd recommend to use python-ldap 2.0.0pre04. There are a couple of 
issues there. But they will be solved. python-ldap 1.x is not 
actively maintained anymore.

Ciao, Michael.

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