Roadmap for ldapmodule

Federico Di Gregorio fog at
Thu Jul 27 15:00:44 CEST 2000

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered David Leonard's letter:

> > 5. LDAPObjects (low priority):
> > ------------------------------
> > We have to review Fog's work (hopefully I have the time!) to
> > establish a standard Pythonish, re-usable and robust class library
> > for LDAP applications.
> i would like see a more general X.500 directory class and have 
> objectClasses more tightly coupled with python classes. that would be cool.
> it might also be cool to wrap LDAP as a db

give a look at .../ldaplib/ldap/schema. you'll find objectClasses and
attributes encapsulated as python classes. they do nothing at now but
the code in schema is already able to ask a v3 compatible server and
build the full classes/attributes/syntaxes tree.


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE System Programmer                           fog at
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog at
  99.99999999999999999999% still isn't 100% but sometimes suffice. -- Me

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