[Python-ideas] Making code objects filename an absolute path.

Batuhan Taskaya isidentical at gmail.com
Fri May 24 15:47:57 EDT 2019

> changing this will probably break code
It is why i'm suggesting making the real transition at 4.0 and adding a
future flag for now.
> And so you need to justify *why* you think that's acceptable
I dont know it is acceptable or not, i saw this issue triaged to stage
"patch required". AFAIK it means someone needs to write a patch for this
issue and i wrote. I'm posting it here because i need to know do i have to
write a pep or just give bpo link to __future__ page.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:34 PM Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:

> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 11:52 AM Batuhan Taskaya <isidentical at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The bpo i referenced can explain it better. An example;
>>    def foo(): pass
>>    assert foo.__code__.co_filename = os.path.abspath(foo.__code__.co_filename)
> Do realize there's a reason that issue has been open for well over five
> years: changing this will probably break code. And so you need to justify
> *why* you think that's acceptable since Python has existed with these
> semantics on code objects for decades as this point.
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