[Python-ideas] New Project to Capture summaries from this

Christopher Barker pythonchb at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 11:45:42 EDT 2019

> there's been lots of discussion about that in the past.

Indeed. Personally, I’m all for keeping the mailing list. See past
discussions for the advantage.

I do think it might be a good idea to move to a gitHub repo once a topic
gets past the vague idea stage to the hammer out a proposal stage — which
indeed often happens once someone starts drafting a PEP.

But a freewheeling discussion in a gitHub issue isn’t any easier to
navigate than a list discussion.

This latest effort will only help if it grows to critical mass — but
newbies can help!

For example, if you see a post here that says something to the effect of:
“this has been discussed in the past on this list”, you can search and find
hat discussion, and summarize the results for future readers.

Hmm, maybe the “we should use something other than a list” discussion is
one of those ;-)


You can check out https://discuss.python.org, which is the current most
> popular idea about an alternative. It has not been decided if the mailing
> lists will be dropped or not though, as far as I know.
> Lys
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 4:30 PM Richard Whitehead <
> richard.whitehead at ieee.org> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> As a new member to this list, I can tell you that searching for relevant
>> old
>> content was effectively impossible, so I'm all for some way of doing that.
>> Please can I make a more radical suggestion, though: Drop the mailing
>> list.
>> How about a GitHub repo - a specific one (with no code), specifically for
>> early ideas? Then, if an idea was accepted and turned into an issue to be
>> implemented, it could link back to that original discussion. GitHub is
>> easily searchable. It can email you if someone comments on an issue you
>> have
>> raised, etc.
>> An alternative might be a StackOverflow section, but that wouldn't provide
>> such tight integration in the case of an issue being raised.
>> The new work you're doing would be a good way to populate the repo with
>> its
>> initial content.
>> Richard
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Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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