[Python-ideas] Add subprocess.Popen suspend() and resume()

Giampaolo Rodola' g.rodola at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 06:49:50 EDT 2019

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:19 PM eryk sun <eryksun at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/18/19, Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I've been having these 2 implemented in psutil for a long time. On
> > POSIX these are convenience functions using os.kill() + SIGSTOP /
> > SIGCONT (the same as CTRL+Z  / "fg"). On Windows they use
> > undocumented NtSuspendProcess and NtResumeProcess Windows
> > APIs available since XP.
> Currently, Windows Python only calls documented C runtime-library and
> Windows API functions. It doesn't directly call NT runtime-library and
> system functions. Maybe it could in the case of documented functions,
> but calling undocumented functions in the standard library should be
> avoided. Unfortunately, without NtSuspendProcess and NtResumeProcess,
> I don't see a way to reliably implement this feature for Windows. I'm
> CC'ing Steve Dower. He might say it's okay in this case, or know of
> another approach.
> DebugActiveProcess, the other simple approach mentioned in the linked
> SO answer [1], is unreliable and has the wrong semantics.  A process
> only has a single debug port, so DebugActiveProcess will fail the PID
> as an invalid parameter if another debugger is already attached to the
> process. (The underlying NT call, DbgUiDebugActiveProcess, fails with
> STATUS_PORT_ALREADY_SET.) Additionally, the semantics that I expect
> here, at least for Windows, is that each call to suspend() will
> require a corresponding call to resume(), since it's incrementing the
> suspend count on the threads; however, a debugger can't reattach to
> the same process. Also, if the Python process exits while it's
> attached as a debugger, the system will terminate the debugee as well,
> unless we call DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(0), but that interferes with
> the Python process acting as a debugger normally, as does this entire
> wonky idea. Also, the debugging system creates a thread in the debugee
> that calls NT DbgUiRemoteBreakin, which executes a breakpoint. This
> thread is waiting, but it's not suspended, so the process will never
> actually appear as suspended in Task Manager or Process Explorer.
> That leaves enumerating threads in a snapshot and calling OpenThread
> and SuspendThread on each thread that's associated with the process.
> In comparison, let's take an abridged look at the guts of
> NtSuspendProcess.
>     nt!NtSuspendProcess:
>         ...
>         mov     r8,qword ptr [nt!PsProcessType]
>         ...
>         call    nt!ObpReferenceObjectByHandleWithTag
>         ...
>         call    nt!PsSuspendProcess
>         ...
>         mov     ebx,eax
>         call    nt!ObfDereferenceObjectWithTag
>         mov     eax,ebx
>         ...
>         ret
>     nt!PsSuspendProcess:
>         ...
>         call    nt!ExAcquireRundownProtection
>         cmp     al,1
>         jne     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x74
>         ...
>         call    nt!PsGetNextProcessThread
>         xor     ebx,ebx
>         jmp     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x62
>     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x4d:
>         ...
>         call    nt!PsSuspendThread
>         ...
>         call    nt!PsGetNextProcessThread
>     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x62:
>         ...
>         test    rax,rax
>         jne     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x4d
>         ...
>         call    nt!ExReleaseRundownProtection
>         jmp     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x79
>     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x74:
>         mov     ebx,0C000010Ah (STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING)
>     nt!PsSuspendProcess+0x79:
>         ...
>         mov     eax,ebx
>         ...
>         ret

Thanks for chiming in with useful info as usual. I agree with your
rationale after all. I've been dealing with undocumented Windows APIs
in psutil for a long time and they have always been in a sort of grey
area where despite they stayed "stable" since forever, the lack of an
official stand from Microsoft probably makes this addition
inappropriate for the stdlib.

> This code repeatedly calls PsGetNextProcessThread to walk the
> non-terminated threads of the process in creation order (based on a
> linked list in the process object) and suspends each thread via
> PsSuspendThread. In contrast, a Tool-Help thread snapshot is
> unreliable since it won't include threads created after the snapshot
> is created. The alternative is to use a different undocumented system
> call, NtGetNextThread [2], which is implemented via
> PsGetNextProcessThread. But that's slightly worse than calling
> NtSuspendProcess.
> [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11010508
> [2]: https://github.com/processhacker/processhacker/blob/v2.39/phnt/include/ntpsapi.h#L848

FWIW older psutil versions relied on Thread32Next / OpenThread /
SuspendThread / ResumeThread, which appear similar to these Ps*
counterparts (and I assume have the same drawbacks).

Giampaolo - http://grodola.blogspot.com

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