[Python-ideas] Preallocated tuples and dicts for function calls

Martin Bammer mrbm74 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 16:16:02 EST 2019


what about the idea that the interpreter preallocates and preinitializes

tuples and dicts for function calls where possible when loading a module?

Before calling a function then the interpreter would just need to update

items which are dynamic and then call the function.

Some examples:

msgpack.unpackb(b'\x93\x01\x02\x03', use_list=False, raw=False)

The above function call needs a tuple with 1 entry and a dict with 2

All entries are constant. So in this case the interpreter can immediately

execute the function call.

Without the optimization the interpreter would need to:

- create new tuple (allocate memory)

- write constant into first tuple index.

- create dict (allocate memory)

- add key+value

- add key+value

- call function

Another example:

foo(bar, 3, 5, arg1=bar1, arg2=True)

The above needs a tuple with 3 entries. 2 of them are constant. And a dict

with 2 entries. 1 of them is constant.

With the optimization:

- write bar into first tuple index.

- replace first key+value pair in the dict.

- call function

Without the optimization:

- create new tuple (allocate memory)

- write bar into first tuple index.

- write constant into second tuple index.

- write constant into third tuple index.

- create dict (allocate memory)

- add key+value

- add key+value

- call function

If this idea is possible to implement I assume the function calls would

receive a great speed improvment.

Best regards,

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