[Python-ideas] Vectorization [was Re: Add list.join() please]

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Thu Feb 7 13:30:29 EST 2019

On 2019-02-07 05:27, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 4:03 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> At the risk of causing confusion^1, we could have a "vector call"
>> syntax:
>>     # apply len to each element of obj, instead of obj itself
>>     len[obj]
>> which has the advantage that it only requires that we give functions a
>> __getitem__ method, rather than adding new syntax. But it has the
>> disadvantage that it doesn't generalise to operators, without which I
>> don't think this is worth bothering with.
> Generalizing to operators is definitely going to require new syntax,
> since both operands can be arbitrary objects. So if that's essential
> to the idea, we can instantly reject anything that's based on
> functions (like "make multiplying a function by a tuple equivalent to
> blah blah blah"). In that case, we come straight to a few key
> questions:
> 1) Is this feature even worth adding syntax for? (My thinking: "quite
> possibly", based on matmul's success despite having an even narrower
> field of use than this.)
> 2) Should it create a list? a generator? something that depends on the
> type of the operand? (Me: "no idea")
> 2) Does the Julia-like "x." syntax pass the grit test? (My answer: "nope")
> 3) If not, what syntax would be more appropriate?
> This is a general purpose feature akin to comprehensions (and, in
> fact, can be used in place of some annoyingly-verbose comprehensions).
> It needs to be easy to type and read.
> Pike's automap syntax is to subscript an array with [*], implying
> "subscript this with every possible value". It's great if you want to
> do just one simple thing:
> f(stuff[*])
> # [f(x) for x in stuff]
> stuff[*][1]
> # [x[1] for x in stuff]
> but clunky for chained operations:
> (f(stuff[*])[*] * 3)[*] + 1
> # [f(x) * 3 + 1 for x in stuff]
> That might not be a problem in Python, since you can always just use a
> comprehension if vectorized application doesn't suit you.
> I kinda like the idea, but the devil's in the details.
Would it be possible, at compile time, to retain it as an automap 
throughout the expression?

# [x for x in suffix]

# [f(x) for x in stuff]

(f(stuff[*]) * 3) + 1
# [f(x) * 3 + 1 for x in stuff]

There could also be a way to 'collapse' it again. An uncollapsed automap 
would be collapsed at the end of the expression. (Still a bit fuzzy 
about the details...)

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